Our service

Uncategorized Feb 23, 2019 No Comments

All Servicing are carried out by our parent company Glaves Corporation. Please visit our website www.glaves.biz

Resharpening Service

We carry out resharpening of following on our CNC machine:
Rotary Cutter – Upto Dia. 350mm & Length 1300mm
Bed Knives – In Ceramic, TC, Brazed, Thru hardened etc.
Rotary Dies – Napkin dies, Diaper dies, Bandage dies etc.

Size: Upto 1300mm long

Heat Treatment Service

Heat treatment of steels is done on temprature controlled electrical furnaces.

Size: Upto 1000mm long

Stelliting Service

We also undertake job work for stellite deposition on various wear items such as pelletizer rotors, automobile valve seats, propellers, crusher hammers etc. Machining and Grinding can be done thereafter. Our dedicated CNC plasmasurf equipment can deposit various hardfacing alloys from powderform to provide even and stress free deposits on varios surfaces.

Size: Upto 1300mm long

TC coating Services

We carry out TC coating services over spare parts using HVOF